Housing developer Hill Homes is undertaking a 5-year residential development in Norfolk, but until now has been spending £500 per week for effluent tankers to remove site accommodation waste.
Based on average calculations, this also equates to approximately 20kg of CO2 per week, although with the site’s relatively remote location, this figure could be easily closer to 40kg per week.
With a foul drain located just 100 metres from the site accommodation, installing a CABINPUMP Ultra to discharge the waste directly into a main sewer will greatly reduce the development’s operational and environmental costs.
With approximately four years left to run on the project and with a CABINPUMP now installed, Hill Homes can look forward to saving a total of approximately £100,000 and even as a conservative estimate, preventing more than 4 tonnes of CO2 emissions from polluting the environment.
Have you calculated the long-term financial and environmental benefits of switching to CABINPUMP waste management on your site? The experts at MODUQUIP can help you quickly assess how much money you could save and how you can reach your carbon reduction targets with CABINPUMP.

Photo: The CABINPUMP during installation